Thursday, May 25, 2006

2 Year Anniversery

Wow. I have had this blog for two years now, my how the time flies. And while I do not post to the site all that regularly, I do have some plans to make a few more posts this summer. That is, if my travel schedule ever slows down.

Speaking of which, I just returnd from my first trip to Paris, France. So here is a picture that I did for a high school French class project. Yes, it is silly. But it was fun to hand in a piece of cartooning and call it eduction.

Apprécier !

Untitled (from Freshman Year French Class)
9x12, pen & ink with colored pencil on paper Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

What are my artistic influences?

A question that I get often asked is, “What are my artistic influences?

First and foremost is
Frank Frazetta. I wish I had 10% of his talent. His work awes and humbles me. The man had a stroke a few years back, paralyzing his right hand (painting hand). So what does he do? He teaches himself how to paint with his left hand, never mind that by this point he is in his 60's (or 70's). The resulting work is still more amazing, real and creative than anything that I could ever do. Why I have not visited his museum is beyond me.

The other two painters would be
Chris Achellios and Royo. I really want to paint the sci fi/fantasy type art like they do (see “Sword of Royo”, so named for Royo. . .obviously). I was not confident that I could paint figures in pastels with the necessary level of detail and I did not want to pencil and ink landscapes (yup, call me lazy) with that much detail either. So I developed a hybrid mixed medium method that actually worked out pretty good for me. As you can see, the pencil work is pretty simple, most of the details of the figure were done with the colored pencil (something that Johnie C showed me). Most of the pictures done in this style, unfortunately for me, was done before I had access to a scanner (well before the digital camera age), and since I gave them away, I no longer have access to them.


In terms of comic book art, the career path that I would forsake all other for, I am most heavily influenced by
Michael Golden (whose style I aped in my early teens). I so wanted to be the next Michael Golden. Two others are John Byrne and Frank Miller. I never tried Miller's "Sin City" style, but his older work, like Ronin, really influenced my pencil work. I was so totally in to cross hatch because of that.

Now that I paint landscapes, I have researched the impressionists like Monet and Van Gogh (not saying I am in that stratesphere of artists, but I do try to learn from them). Still learning about color, so I think that my painting style will continue to evolve. Which is probably a good thing.

I am sure that there are others, but those are the biggest influences.

Sword of Royo
9x12, pastel with colored pencil and inks on bristol Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 16, 2006

That's me with the hockey stick!

Found it!

Welcome to my grad school apartment, circ 1993. That is me with the hockey stick, Anthon-Z playing sega, Coney shooting hoops, Johnni C (the artist of this picture) and Stacy at the table drawing, with special guest appearances by Ax and Dale.

I must admit, Johnie was one of the most talented artists that I ever met. He could draw just like Shiro, imho. Too bad he was never able to break into comics. I think his manga like style was way ahead of the curve. It would be another year before Joe Mads broke that style wide open and became the regular artist of the X-men. But for me, Johnie C was the originator.

Man, I still wish I had some of the pages that he penciled and I inked. And Anthon-Z's pages for that matter. I will post the splash page that Anthon-Z penciled and I inked and colored very soon. It is the best comic book related work that I have ever done. No question.

Dragon Sun-the early years. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

One of my favorites

I just like this one (see "Frozen Bog" below). It is, for me, very difficult to make "dark" pastel paintings but with this painting I was able to achieve something I felt had a very "atmospheric" feeling to it. I was also able to give this piece a feeling of depth, something that I struggled mightily with for a time.

Again, this was painting around the same time as "Poppies". In fact, this, and all the others from that period that I will be posting in the next weeks, were all painted in the same spiral notebook. Now, I tape individual pieces of pastel paper onto an board and frame them when they are finished.

I believe that I have definitely grown as an artist in the last 10 years, but I have fond memories of this time when I began to relearn to paint. It was also a time when my apartment doubled as the hang out and official head quarters for for Dragon Sun Studios
Johnie C, Anthon-Z, Def Stacie, Coney and my boy Charlie "F'K'N" Ward (okay, he existed only as his EASports digital self, but he was always there). In truth, somebody was awake 24/7, either drawing something or playing Sega or Nintendo. Ah yes, those were the days.

Now I am going to have to find Johnie's "Mangaverse" version of my apartment.

Frozen Bog
9x12, pastel on paper Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Even more from the archives

Okay, I admit it. I have been a big slacker and have not been painting at all of late. But I do, have a host of paintings from my archives that I had previously been unwilling to post.


Well, I have signed my name to them and I had been clinging to my "anonymity" of my blogger name. But realistically, the only people who don't know my real name are the ones who did not care to take 10 seconds to figure it out.

With that said, here is a painting that I did over 10 years ago when I first began to "relearn" painting. In high school, I wanted to go to Art School instead of a 4 year college. When I decided to go to a 4 year college I more or less stopped painting and drawing. Can not really explain why, but I did. At some point in during graduate school I decided to start painting again. "Poppies" is one of the first painting that I did from that period. I did not know about workable fix or different grades of pastels. I just painted this all in one layer. I think it holds up well, all things considered.

So, since I know that even if I do start a painting in the next few days, I will not have anything to post for a few weeks. Therefore, I am going to start dipping into my archives and bring out some paintings from 10 years ago.

I hope you all enjoy.

9x12, pastel on paper Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

More from the Archives. . .

Because I really needed to post something but have had absolutely no time to do any actually drawing or painting. On top of my regular work, I agreed to write two review articles and try to rework my masters to something that is publishable. These are all things that I want to do, but they kinda cut into my free nights. Yeah, yeah, I know suck it up and stop complaining.


I like this picture of Rye. The pastel pigment from the top of his head was sort of rubbed off when the painting was stored in the pad. This painting was done before I knew what either workable fix or glassine paper was and how both can save the pastel pigment from rubbing off. If I still owned this, I would propbably hit it with workable fix and correct this problem.

9x12, pastel on paper
Many of my friends have asked me to paint pictures of their horse. Jess was the only one to actually provide a photo. To everyone else, I am still waiting. Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 06, 2006

Vizzini. . .he said to go back to the beginning

And so I have. Instead of continuing to stare at the rough sketch of the polar bear, hoping to get up the courage to start using my watercolors (and new Niji waterbrushes) to finish the painting, I decided to try something else in the interim. And like Vizzini said, I have gone back to the begining and my roots. Sketching.

Usually I do tons and tons of cross-hatch (sometimes too much) but for this I wanted to do something a little more down and dirty with the shading. Something a bit more basic. So, I used my trusty ol' #2 pencil, and you just don't get more basic than that.

I do plan on finishing the polar. . .hopefully even soon.

Lucky Dog
9x12, pencil on bristol Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Ah yes, I remember it well. . .

Prom stole it from Paul's blog. Now I am stealing it from her.

"please post a comment here on my blog with a completely made up and fictional memory of you and me. Anything you want—positive or negative—but the original said please keep it clean but you don't have to do that here. And remember: it has to be fake! After you've left your comment, post this little paragraph on your own blog—and be surprised (or mortified) about what people don't actually remember about you."

Monday, January 23, 2006

As you wait for updates. . .another quiz

Your results:
You are Superman
Green Lantern
The Flash
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Here is to hoping I am more productive

In an attempt to get my self motivated again to paint/draw, I have posted the initial sketch of a polar bear that I have wanted to paint for a while. For this, I want to try something a bit different. I am going to use watercolors, something that I am not very proficient in, and augment the painting with pastels, something that I am more comfortable using. It could be cool, as I have seen some nice pictures done in this technique. Or it could be a big mess, but at least I am attempting to stretch myself. And isn't that what this is all about?

Either way, I will post the picture in stages. . .let's see what happens.

Polar Bear
14x11, pencil on watercolor paper Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

National De-Lurking Week

Because everyone else is doing it. . .and I have not started painting the picture that I have been meaning to. . . Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

An older piece

In a effort to be more active on this blog, I have dug through some of my older work. I am really surprised that I have not posted this one before. This is the only painting that I have done on artagain, a thick black fiber-enhanced paper. The black paper gives this piece a neat and ominous air.

As always, this is something I should try/use more often.

9x12, pastel on artagain Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 03, 2006